Session Topic Overviews

The YSA Leadership Conference is a 3-day conference with intensive workshops, key-note speakers and activities designed to improve your understanding of leadership principles.

Saturday's Conference will include:

  • Two key-note speakers
  • Three leadership workshop presentations.

Sunday's Devotional will include:

  • Closing activity: Speakers and Q&A panel/discussion.

The following is a summary of the workshop topics.



Money Matters

How does the Lord see money and our attitudes towards earning and spending it. What role does the choices we make with money influence our ability to serve? Financial self-sufficiency is a desirable, liberating condition, long taught by the prophets and practised by the church.

Obtaining wealth is not a secret formula; it is simply a system of principles and rules practised consistently and applied constantly. This session will teach key principles of financial fitness and assist you to construct a set of rules for your own financial self-sufficiency and success.

The Lonliness of Leadership

Being leaders in your own social, work, & personal circles can often be a lonely experience. As young single adults, you may often feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. The responsibility of guiding others, making tough decisions, and juggling personal responsibilities can leave you feeling isolated and alone. But know that you are never truly alone. Heavenly Father is always with you, offering guidance, comfort, and support.

In this workshop we'll delve into the concept of the "loneliness of leadership" and explore why it's normal to feel that way. We'll discuss ways to manage these feelings and lean on our faith to find comfort and strength. Through prayer and scripture study, we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father, who understands our struggles and is always ready to help us.

Wrestling With Comparisons & Overcoming The Fear Of Rejection

It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We look at their successes, their accomplishments, and their social media feeds and wonder why we can't seem to measure up. This constant comparison can leave us feeling inadequate, anxious, and fearful of rejection. But know that life is not a race, and treating it as one can hinder our growth. The only comparisons we should be making are with our past selves.

In this workshop, we'll explore the concept of wrestling with comparisons and overcoming the fear of rejection. We'll discuss why it's so easy to fall into the trap of comparison and how it can hold us back from reaching our full potential. We'll also delve into the fear of rejection, understanding its roots and how to overcome it.

Most importantly, we'll learn to focus on our own journey and progress, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others. We'll discuss how to set healthy goals and milestones for ourselves, using our past achievements as a benchmark for growth. Through a combination of self-reflection and faith, we can overcome the fear of rejection and find the confidence to pursue our dreams without fear of failure.

Conquering Life’s Daily Distractions & The Power Of Focus

We'll discuss the challenge of conquering life's daily distractions and the power of focus. We'll explore the concept of being aware of what matters most and what doesn't, and the importance of acting on the things that truly matter.

Through this discussion, we'll learn practical ways to prioritize our daily tasks and responsibilities, helping us stay focused and minimize distractions. We'll also talk learn how to identify and manage common distractions such as technology and social media, and how to cultivate healthy habits to increase our productivity and focus.

Ultimately, by focusing on the things that truly matter, we can overcome life's daily distractions and achieve our goals. Through self-discipline and a commitment to our priorities, we can cultivate the power of focus and create a fulfilling life.

Knowing When To Persevere And When To Change Direction.

Life is full of choices and challenges that shape us into who we are today. While we may sometimes wish we could turn back time and make different decisions, we must remember that our experiences teach us valuable lessons that help us grow and learn. As faithful individuals, we trust in our Heavenly Father to guide us in making wise decisions and facing challenges with strength and resilience.

Great leaders understand the importance of decision-making and problem-solving in achieving success. They know how to weigh the pros and cons, assess risks, and choose the best course of action. These skills can be developed through learning and practice. In this workshop you will gain insights into how to make great decisions and acquire the tools needed to solve any problem that comes your way. This session will also help you identify the difference between persistence and stubbornness, and how to determine when it is time to pivot or abandon a goal that is not working out.